Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Let's try this again.  Let's see if I can actually be consistent with this blog.   I've been doing projects here and there, I just have not had the chance to upload any photos or videos.  

Below are photos of one of my most recent projects.  It was for a 10 year old girl's birthday.  
  • Paper Collection: 'Hello There' by Heidi Swapp.  
  • The box was bought at my local Dollarama for $2.
  • For the spine of the album I used denim.
  • For the box I painted a part of it,and covered the rest of it with the patterned paper and some denim.
  • The inside of the box housed a mini notebook that was bound with my Cinch.
  • The photo frame on the front of the album is from Michaels.
  • The flowers were from a variety of sources, but the majority were from Wild Orchid Crafts.

I had made a video, but because I was short on time, it is not the best quality.  I loved how the project turned out and I just love the colours from the paper collection.  

More to come!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone!

It's a shame how I've been neglecting my little blog.  I had a baby last year so life got a bit busier.  I've still been working on projects, I just haven't been uploading them here.  I usually take photos of everything (sometimes videos), so I'll still be updating this site with past projects, as well as present and future projects.
One of my goals for this year is to update my blog more frequently.  I have a few projects to post, but with the new changes to blogger I will need to figure out how to add photos again.   Once I do, it's GO time!

Have a good one!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Scrap Diet

A few weeks ago I had decided to go on a scrap diet.  What is a scrap diet?  For me it means not purchasing any scrapbook supplies for a certain duration (with the exception of adhesive).  Looking around my small scrap space I realized that I have A LOT of paper.  Some that was bought years ago and have not been touched.  I'm taking this opportunity to 'catch up' on my kids' scrapbooks.  I have a ton of awesome photos of my kids that I have yet to scrap.  I know I can never actually 'catch up', but I need to get back on track.  When I started making mini albums I pretty much put my scrapbooking aside, but I actually miss it.  And seeing how fast my kids are growing I want to make sure I document the memories while I still remember them.

I love paper pads, but I mostly use those for mini albums.  I still have tons of loose papers that I want to use up which are perfect for my 12 x 12 layouts.  And to be honest I'M RUNNING OUT OF STORAGE SPACE. 

I think my first goal will be that I will not purchase any new supplies until I complete 25 layouts!  The countdown begins.

Wish me luck.

Prima Botanical Mini

Here is a mini album I made for my cousin when she recently paid a visit to Canada from the UK.  I am most proud of the fact that when I decided to make the album I found that I had everything I needed in my stash and did not have to take a trip to my local scrapbook store. 

This was a labour of love and I enjoyed creating it.

Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Butterfly Garden Mini Album

I'm back with another album to share.  I made this for a friend of ours who recently got married.  I used the Butterfly Garden paper collection from Pink Paisley.  This collection is so beautiful, I wished I had bought more of it.  Of course when I returned to my local scrapbook store to buy more of the paper there was barely any of the collection left.  But I'm still on the hunt!

In this album I also used the following:
Petaloo Flowers
Prima flowers
Prima charms (Marion Smith collection)
MFT Rolled flower die (on the cover)
Platinum Stickles
Prima flat back pearls


Envelope Pocket Mini

I'll have a couple of posts today, as I have some catching up to do.  The first project I'll be posting today was actually done a couple of months ago in appreciation of the amazing women at my children's day care.  They take care of the children before and after school and do a super job.  This is a quick project I saw on Marion Smith's YouTube channel (apieceofcraftdotcom) quite a while ago, so I thought I would try my hand at it.

I also want to take this time to thank my recent subscribers for the sweet comments.  I really appreciate the feedback.

See you soon!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Little Girl Mini Album

I'm back with another mini using the Little Girl collection from Echo Park.  I just love using girly themes!  This mini is chock full of flowers and bling that is perfect for any little girl.  I thoroughly enjoyed making this mini.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Purse Wedding Mini

Here is a mini I made for a friend who is getting married.  When I found out the date of her bridal shower I toyed with a few ideas, but then I had a total creative block.  I had NO idea what to do.  So one evening I took a break and stayed away from my craft area so I could get my head together.  Then I came up with this idea.  But by this time I only had a few days to complete it.  But I DID IT and I am quite pleased with the way it turned out.

Here is the vdeo.  Please excuse the shakiness of the video.  I couldn't use my tripod because I had to film this with my iPhone.  Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!