Saturday, August 13, 2011

Scrap Diet

A few weeks ago I had decided to go on a scrap diet.  What is a scrap diet?  For me it means not purchasing any scrapbook supplies for a certain duration (with the exception of adhesive).  Looking around my small scrap space I realized that I have A LOT of paper.  Some that was bought years ago and have not been touched.  I'm taking this opportunity to 'catch up' on my kids' scrapbooks.  I have a ton of awesome photos of my kids that I have yet to scrap.  I know I can never actually 'catch up', but I need to get back on track.  When I started making mini albums I pretty much put my scrapbooking aside, but I actually miss it.  And seeing how fast my kids are growing I want to make sure I document the memories while I still remember them.

I love paper pads, but I mostly use those for mini albums.  I still have tons of loose papers that I want to use up which are perfect for my 12 x 12 layouts.  And to be honest I'M RUNNING OUT OF STORAGE SPACE. 

I think my first goal will be that I will not purchase any new supplies until I complete 25 layouts!  The countdown begins.

Wish me luck.

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